We believe in the power of generosity. Your support through your giving empowers us to continue to build a meaningful, Christ-centered community by Reaching People for Jesus.
It's not just about the money itself, but what it represents: our priorities, our trust, and our commitment to God's work. Where we invest our resources reveals what we truly value.
When we give generously to our church, we're not just supporting the building or the programs; we're investing in lives changed, in a community strengthened, and in the expansion of God's kingdom.
Let's prayerfully consider how we can give generously, reflecting the abundance God has placed in our lives, and demonstrating what we truly value.
Your tithes and offerings enable us to run various programs and ministries that uplift and support individuals and families in our community.
We believe in reaching out to those in need, both locally and globally. Your generosity helps us fund our outreach and benevolence initiatives that provide food, shelter, and hope to those who need it most.
Your contributions help maintain our church building as a welcoming and safe space for worship, prayer, and community events.
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